Autore: IN EVIDENZA Rubriche

People of Brindisi / Winter in the City. How’s your mood this winter?

December is here, and while for some this means beach barbecues, yes you, Ozzies and Kiwis!…for those of us in the Northern hemisphere, the colder season has well and truly begun. Generally, in Brindisi, you can expect milder days, averaging around 10-15 C, with the odd bright sunny day, which will compel you to hit the Lungomare side of the port for a spot of alfresco dining.  But hold on tight onto your bathers until 1 January 2023. If you dare, hundreds of people gather for the annual Tuffo di Capodanno. Sounds fun? You can sign up at Decathlon Brindisi store!

MEET MALCOLM – Where do you come from. «Born and raised in Malta, I spent the past 20 years travelling and working in different places, mostly in Europe». How long have you been in Brindisi. «One month … no, wait, that can’t be right … oh my! I have been here for around eight months. Wow, time flies when you are enjoying yourself! What made you choose Brindisi. «I bought a sailing boat at the beginning of this year, and I wanted a place to keep it.  I know that, historically, Brindisi was used by many people such as the Romans and Crusaders, as a base for their endeavours in the Mediterranean, so I thought it would be cool to base myself here.  I also happened to pass through Brindisi on a driving holiday in Puglia with my wife, an archaeologist, and we loved it». How many people in your family. «My wife, Bram, and I, also have three adult children from my previous marriage.  They don’t live with me, they’re spread around Europe too». Do you work? «I work in IT, which allows me plenty of freedom to work remotely». Three things you love about Brindisi. «1. The people most of all… I feel very welcome here and enjoy talking to people.  2. The sea, both for swimming and sailing… It is fantastic. 3. The food…. the vegetables are so fresh and tasty and the cooking is brilliant.  4. The centro storico…I love the buildings and the paved streets ( I know you said three, but who’s counting?)». If you had a magic wand … «Yes please! Two things if I may.  I live on the lungomare and I would love to see more exhaust pollution enforcement from boats and ships in the port…maybe a hybrid ‘navetta’?  And secondly …  it would be really great if the boat ferry goes to the Marina (aka Porticciolo Turistico)… maybe have some electronic signal to go there only if there are customers waiting». Best place to eat. «On my boat, especially when I am cooking local produce! Seriously though, I am still exploring all the places, I love finding new small restaurants and trying them out. They’re all really great». Best piece of advice for any newcomers. «The Brindisi Expat CommunityBrindisi at 1st Sight, and digital nomad social media groups are very active and excellent to start meeting people.  So is having a ‘cafe al banco’ and saying hello to the locals».

GOOD TO KNOW – Can you work remotely? Airbnb has partnered with Brindisi as one of only 18 global destination hubs (together with Dubai, Palm Springs, Malta, Queensland, Canary Island, to name a few) as part of their Live and Work Anywhere Program. Brindisi offers a wonderful quality of life for an affordable price. There is already a thriving international community and the province is now actively working to welcome new remote workers. There are great perks, like free access to coworking spaces, discounts on transport, gym memberships, experiences and so on. There will even be a dedicated community manager for ‘digital nomads’. You can register on Brindisi’s dedicated website to access these benefits. For newcomers, consider exploring Tax incentive to live here. As for schooling, QSI Brindisi is the only English speaking, Private International School in Puglia. Catering for 3-18 year old children, classes are taught through English, with great focus on sports, outdoor activities, science and cultural diversity.

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