Autore: IN EVIDENZA Rubriche

People of Brindisi / Let it be light. Being mindful this festive season

It may be an age thing, but I am increasingly finding myself pausing before swiping my well used card (or hitting the online shops). Of course if children are around, especially at Christmas, temptation is never far, so why don’t you involve them too in one of the alternatives below. Here’s my five top tips for mindful shopping this Christmas, for extra and sustainable ‘joy of giving’.

  1. Pick one present and make it count. Something thoughtful, like a homemade jar of pickles, or limoncello, or a cake with a handwritten note, will be unique and much treasured.
  2. Shop in local markets: small suppliers and charity associations will thank you for it and, trust me, it feels good too!
  3. Second Hand furniture shops: did you know that there’s a few of these treasure troves of places just around the city centre? My personal favourite is Matrioska. You can find paintings, funky lampshades, art deco pieces, rare books, musical instruments and really good quality pieces to jazz up any home. Plus, and here’s why the owner Romualdo wins a big gold star, his team can help you move, assemble and fit things out.
  4. Reuse: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Re-gift something that you simply never used, just add a special note, a cute wrapping or ribbon et voila!
  5. Donate: there’s a few charity associations in Brindisi. Most will gladly accept food donations or you can even donate your time! I recently came across Brindisi Tabernacle. They collect food and also offer a variety of activities for kids and adults, including English, acting and music lessons. Mike Senior, our featured expat, is also collecting food for those in need.

MEET MIKE – Where do you come from. California, USA – How long have you been in Brindisi. 23 years! – What made you choose Brindisi. Work and an opportunity – How many people in your family. Myself and 2 boys – Do you work? I am aa registered Chiropractor. I’m also involved in charity work – Three things you love about Brindisi. Food, Sun, and Sea – If you had a magic wand … I would add a sense of community. After being here for so long, I can even speak quite a little of the local lingo! – Best place to eat. In my spare time, I head further south for great diving spots. One of my favourite places there is Retro in Castrignano del Capo, south of Lecce – Best piece of advice for any newcomers – Ask for help when you need it, and don’t take things too seriously as far as the Italian bureaucracy goes.

GOOD TO KNOW – One of the main Christmas attractions in Puglia is a visit to a live nativity scene. From 26 December to 6 January, here is the list of the best living nativity scenes within a short drive from Brindisi. These aren’t religious events but a historical representation of how people were living during the time of the birth of Jesus. Despite any belief systems, it is really interesting to see a town all dressed up and acting out various jobs and roles. Thanks Maureen for the recommendation!

I would highly recommend going to one. 😊 And this wraps up 2022, #peopleofbrindisi has been a wonderful way to connect with so many local expats. Thank you for continuing to share the love. Happy festive season everyone!

By Carmela D’Angelo

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